I Financial Assistance email
The Laconia Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdP) food pantry has been in operation for over 25 years assisting brothers and sisters in need. We are an all volunteer operation currently serving over 300 families a month from surrounding towns. If you have three hours a week to help in the pantry we have a need for volunteers in the following areas:
Food Pick Up - One morning a week (~ two hours) to help pick up donations at local supermarkets.
Food Distribution - Assist in distributing food when the pantry is open. Either Monday from 11:00 - 2:00 pm or Wednesday from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.
Pantry Coordinator - Administrative/coordination responsibility for pantry's day to day activities requiring approximately two hours a day up to three days per week.
The Financial Assistance team is another important piece of the St Vincent de Paul Society. Financial teams contact individuals to help access their needs and determine where financial help is needed. Volunteers are also needed to assist these families.
If you have interest in assisting in this vital service please contact us at 528-5683. Leave your contact information if no one answers. or fill out the volunteer application
Please stop by the Thrift Store, ask to speak to the store manager to fill out an application and state what position you are interested in.